
Dance Injury Management

At Perth Dance Physio, we take a special interest in dance-related injuries due to our own personal experience with dance. We combine our passion for dance with a modern and scientific approach to pain and injury management, to ensure dancers are not only cared for but are pushed to reach the performance level that they aspire to. Our physiotherapy approach is based on your individual needs and tailored to your specific performance demands.

A physiotherapy consultation is ideal for those with:

·         Foot & Ankle Pain

·         Hip Pain

·         Knee Pain

·         Joint Sprains and Muscle Strains

·         Bone Stress Injuries

·         Tendon Pain

·         Back Pain

·         Neck Pain

·         A variety of other musculoskeletal conditions


Gym Programming + Exercise Prescription

Contemporary physiotherapy research has shown the benefit of strength & conditioning for injury reduction and performance improvement. As such, we focus on not only getting you back to previous function, but aim to maximise your facility through guided gym based strength and conditioning. Our programming targets the fundamentals of strength; flexibility; mobility and power, through the use of resistance exercise and cross-training.


Pre-Pointe Assessment

Our Dance Physiotherapists have extensive experience performing Pre-Pointe Assessments, in order to deem readiness for pointe work. Our custom assessment has been developed to examine lower limb mobility, strength & stability. To ensure future safety and longevity en pointe, we also use this opportunity to provide individualised advice and exercise prescription based on your needs.


Dry Needling

Dry needling utilises the insertion of fine needles into muscular trigger points, in order to elicit a healing response and pain changes. Most of Perth Dance Physio’s practitioners have undergone advanced accreditation, making them proficient, effective and safe in their application of dry needling. Ask at the time of booking for a practitioner with dry needling qualifications.


Tertiary Dance/Pre-Professional Assessment

Our Physiotherapist’s are qualified to complete tertiary and pre-professional dance assessments, including (but not limited to) the following:

  • West Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) 

  • New Zealand School of Dance (NZSOD)

  • Queensland Ballet (QB)

  • Queensland University of Technology (QUT)


Remedial Massage Therapy

A massage consultation is ideal for those seeking relief from muscular tension and pain, recovery from injury and management of sporting or lifestyle demands.

By integrating preventative strategies and assessment techniques, our massage treatments can be adapted to your specific needs and goals to ensure a smooth journey back to optimal health.

Perth Dance Physiotherapy offers the following massage consultations:

  • Sports Massage – useful for reducing muscular tension following sport and exercise. This style can be worked to target specific muscles and pain spots.

  • Deep Tissue Massage – direct, firm and slow pressure strokes that encourage the muscles and fascia for a deeper release.

  • Trigger Point Massage – direct pressure holds that aim to reduce hyperirritable spots through the muscular and fascial bands.

  • Relaxation Massage – utilising long and even strokes to the superficial muscles and fascia for a balanced treatment.

  • Myofascial Cupping - an integrative technique that uses small suction cups to manipulate the soft tissue layers, by providing a sustained & deeper stretch to the targeted area.

  • Stretch & Strength – advice and recommendations that are incorporated in all consultations to encourage continued release even after your massage appointment.

  • Pregnancy Massage – incorporates specific knowledge and guidance to improve muscular and joint function, relieve stress and fatigue and enhance circulation. A combination of these massage styles will provide you with a levelled treatment that has targeted your needs and goals as well as allowed your body to unwind and recuperate.

Clinical Exercise Group Classes

Curated programs that are completed under supervision in small groups. Designed for both injured & non-injured individuals with goals to enhance performance, rehabilitation and skill.

What’s Involved:

  • Initial assessment & health screening by Physio

  • Goal setting session with Physio

  • Introduction to the gym environment

  • Personalised program using mix of equipment

  • Small group training of up to 4 people to carry out, adjust, and hone skills from the program all run by a registered physiotherapist

  • Regular check-ins or follow ups as needed

    The Benefits:

  • Build meaningful whole-body strength

  • Gain flexbility and range of motion

  • Gain endurance for performance

  • Better whole-body & psotural proprioception

  • Enhance athletic skills for performance

  • Improve overall wellbeing and mood!

  • Detailed supervision and progressions

**All participants will need to complete an Initial Assessment prior to joining the classes.


Nutrition Coaching


A nutrition coach is someone who motivates and guides clients to make sustainable and positive changes to their eating habits, while providing general nutritional advice and accountability. This can be through meal planning, recipes, scheduling, and macro guidelines aimed towards eating habits and meeting the client's desired goals. 

These goals may include:

  • Improved energy

  • Enhanced mental state

  • Maximising performance

  • Reduced risk of injury

  • Altered body composition


  • General advice and guidelines surrounding nutrition 

  • Personalised nutrition and meal plans

  • Recommendations to improve your energy levels, strength gains and well-being


  • Injury Prevention: Adequate nutrition aids in improved recovery whilst reducing the risk of injuries

  • Cognitive Function: Enhanced mental focus and concentration 

  • Energy Boost: Sufficient fueling for enhanced stamina and energy 

*Nutrition Coaching Sessions are not designed to diagnose or treat medical diseases or conditions, but are intended to be informative based on basic nutritional guidelines. A relevant health care practitioner should always be consulted for treatment of medical conditions, and clearance by a medical professional is recommended prior to implementing any lifestyle changes. 

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